Tuesday 6 December 2011

Pitching Ideas For A New Crime Drama

Pitching Ideas for A New Crime Drama
Name:  Jane Doe (the name given to bodys found that have not yet been identified)
Type of Crime Drama: Forensic Investigation, autopsy, very modern, high tech labs, big expensive equipment, fast paced, engaging for the audience,
Characters: Duo… Ex Mossad Agent (Female) and an Ex FBI Agent (Male), both well trained for physical combat, but the woman is in charge, the man is quite tame and follows all the rules and regulations, but the woman won’t stop at anything until she finds who’s responsible, the man is a charmer and thinks he’s a bit of a ladies’ man, the woman doesn’t have much luck with men and doesn’t really have time for them because she puts all of her effort into her work.
Structure of Show: Series, each crime is resolved at the end of each episode and it shows the criminal being taken away in hand cuffs, the is an ongoing back story going on throughout the series about a traitor inside of the investigation service who informs the criminals when the team find something, but this is resolved at the end of the series.
Typical Narrative: Restrictive Narrative, you only know who the killer is when the team do, and you only find out what happens when the team does
Setting: Lab, Streets, Big Cities, glamorous Miami, back street alleys, run down parts of Miami, places where glamorous TV shows wouldn't normally be filmed
Style: Glamorous, fast paced, humorous, intelligent, and very clever, they find things that no one would normally notice, they can figure out what happened with only a few pieces of evidence
Scheduling: Chanel 5, 10:00-11:00pm, Thursdays, 12 episodes per series, each episode is 1 hour, 4 series, repeated at 11:00-12:00pm Sundays on channel 5, final two episodes of each series are 2 hours long each.
Target Audience: Adults, Men and Women, B, C1, C2, between the ages of 18 and 35, people who aren't scared of blood or violence,
Similar Shows: NCIS, CSI: MIAMI, because of a lot of lab work and very fast paced and glamorous story lines
USP:  there is a woman leading the operations and really taking control, there is always and ongoing back story with one of the characters. the back story is that the mans wife and child were killed after the man sent someone to prison for murder,

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