Tuesday 28 February 2012

Set Pieces

-The laboratory Scene
the scene were the forensic side of the show takes place

-Interrogation Scene
where the suspects are questioned

-The Eureka Moment
when the investagator find a peice of evidence then thing just click

-Crime Scene
police tape,
people in blue investor overalls,    

in the Crime Scene setpieces, they also look for a murder weapon, in this case its these rocks...

they also look for all types of evidence at the crime scene,

Drag marks on the floor by the victims car,
-Arrest/ Confession

-Crime Flash Back
shows you the crime that the team are investigating happening,
shows how the person died/ what happened in real time,

-The Chase/ Dash/ Action Scene
-Notification of Next of Kin

-Autopsy Scene
informs you on the cause of death

-Press Conference
a very tense scene,
you are informed more on the crime,
it makes the programme seem more realistic,

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