Tuesday 27 March 2012

Criminal Minds The Fisher King Part 1

The team is splitting up for a holiday. Although they are on different locations, only Derek Morgan and Elle Greenaway stay in the same Jamaican hotel where a friend gave him a good rate. Suddenly they all get abrupt proof of the activity of a killer who calls Hotch -at his family home- telling him not the mind the first victims but save the girl. The diverse, personal clues prove he knows each team member well, as it turns out hacked from Garcia's computer files, and all fit in one grand scheme. Several clues converge to a certain Frank Ginley who got many convictions, but at his Langley home they find his corps, the start of a new elaborate series of clues for what he calls the team's quest, and it's obviously unusually personal, not sexual. There is a cliffhanger...
While J.J. and Garcia remain at work, the BAU field agents are on a mandated two week vacation, to which they are all looking forward. Morgan and Greenaway are vacationing together, but separately, at a resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica, it managed by Morgan's friend. Reid is visiting his schizophrenic institutionalized mother in Las Vegas. Gideon, without telling anyone, is at his cabin entertaining a friend. And Hotch is at home catching up with his wife, Haley, and newborn son, Jack. While on this break, all on the team are contacted in different way by an unknown third party, informing them to "save her". Some of their contact indicates unequivocally that someone has already died. And Garcia's computer has been hacked, much of the team's personal information included as what was taken. All the information they receive are clues to a puzzle, which includes the individuals on the team. Gideon tries the tactic of not following the unsub's rules, with unexpected results.

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