Tuesday 27 March 2012


How is the setting significant to crime dramas that you have seen? Eg Miami, London and whitechapel.
What dies the setting connotate- what do we assocaite with the settings
What opportunities arise from using the setting.
The setting is significant to crime dramas as they can give you a overall understanding of where it is set and how that effects viewers. It is significant to how the crimes will be solved and who will solve them, For example:
In luther it is set in the lower class of london, estates places like that. This reminds of the riots in 2011. Its going to be more rough and gritty, not like the higher class of  london. Kind of shows that the cops that are solving arent exactly going to be on the right side of the law, it will show through there surroundings behind them aswell. With this setting we associate more gangs, young peoples and homeless people getting killed.
Also sherlcok is set in London but its set more in the upper class areas like Baker street, the more richer side, also this shows in characters to how they dress, how they groom there self, take care of there apperience. With this setting we associate more band robberies and higher money crimes.

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